The Wedding Site Setback

The Wedding Site Setback

Lecia was thrilled when her fiance, Manny, agreed to her wedding site selection. She had chosen a lush country club set amid 260 acres of breathtaking scenery. She loved the location and was especially looking forward to the outdoor wedding photos.

On the day of the wedding, the bride, groom and bridal party showed up early to take pictures. When they arrived, they found the doors padlocked and no one was in sight. They soon discovered the property had been seized by the bankruptcy court.

Lecia and Manny were shocked. There had no prior warning that the country club was in trouble. In fact, the bride had just been at the country club decorating the day before.

Venue on the rocks
For years, the country club had operated profitably by providing one-year membership agreements. Two years ago, when membership started declining, they began offering highly discounted rates for two-year memberships to raise funds.

The tactic got them through the first year, but they started running out of money in the second year. When they didn’t have enough potential members to keep selling the two-year memberships, the country club’s fortune took a nosedive.

Policy Peace Of Mind
Lecia and Manny couldn’t believe they had to cancel their dream wedding on the day of the event. Not to mention they had already paid $25,000 to the facility as a deposit for its use and for catering services. Although they were disappointed, they felt fortunate. They were smart and had purchased wedding insurance from Wedsure.

Because bankruptcy of a wedding facility and/or caterer is a covered cause of loss, the couple’s coverage kicked in and paid their loss. Lecia and Manny were reimbursed for all of their wedding expenses that had been paid prior to the cancellation. Happily, Lecia and Manny’s wedding wasn’t delayed for long. Within two months, the couple found a replacement venue, got married and lived happily ever after.

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